Monday, December 9, 2019

Cross Cultural Management for Egypt and South Korea- myassignmenthelp

Question: Comparison and contrast between decision making and communication between Egypt and South Korea. Answer: The concept of globalization has inculcated amalgamation of various cultures in business organizations as there is no better arena to observe the cross cultural impact in action than business. The differences and similarities in culture tend to reveal themselves in circumstances where there is much stake involved as in the business environment; human resources are very much required (Fisher et al., 2016). The practices in business are shaped by very deeply integrated attitudes of culture towards power, wealth, communication, work, and trust. Communication is the basic aspect in any kind of business as business is an activity that is collaborative in nature. Services and goods are exchanged and created through the coordination of many individuals. To have optimum coordination, effective and continuous communication is very much required (McCormick, Bose Marinis, 2017). In the case of communication of the business organizations in Egypt, it is noted that Egyptians are very proud of their country and achievements in regards to both old and new ones. They have a loud pitch which is mostly misinterpreted. In the business organizations in Egypt, the employees may appear to shout at each other in the middle of a heated argument. It simply denotes that the Egyptians prefer to convey or express their feelings and conviction in a very loud and clear way. Any approach that is overly reserved would be misconstrued as a lack of interest or detachment (Malenko, 2013). During any conversations, with higher officials, it is very important to state and consider the titles and hierarchy along with the status of the authorities. Regarding decision making, the hierarchy and leadership come into a very important role. The final decision making in the business organization is made and announced by the person who is the charge or at the top of the authority. In the business organizations in South Korea, it is observed that many South Koreans are very much comfortable in having communication in English. It is also a fact that most of the capable and highly talented South Koreans do not know English properly and fail to understand the communication that is being done in English (Sinuff et al., 2015). One needs to integrate the traditional culture of South Korea while having communication which would favor harmony instead of making room for conflicts and confrontation which would result in silence from the South Korea counterparts. The significance of harmony in the decision making is very much integrated with the leadership in the business organizations in South Korea. The individuals in the business organizations of South Korea employ a method of consensus decision making in many situations which is contrasting to the decision making in the business organizations of Egypt. In the business organizations in South Korea, the managers are exp ected of taking a very holistic in the work of their subordinates which results in greater involvement in more areas of both professional and personal life of the employees which does not happen in the case of organizations in Egypt (Sinuff et al., 2015). The leadership is very paternalistic and hierarchical in business organization in South Korea; however, the emphasis is also put on the harmony and equal standing and ranking between people. References Fisher, A., Manicavasagar, V., Kiln, F. and Juraskova, I., 2016. Communication and decision-making in mental health: A systematic review focusing on Bipolar disorder. Patient education and counseling, 99(7), pp.1106-1120. McCormick, M., Bose, A. and Marinis, T., 2017. Decision-making capacity in aphasia: SLTs contribution in England. Aphasiology, pp.1-15. Malenko, N., 2013. Communication and decision-making in corporate boards. The Review of Financial Studies, 27(5), pp.1486-1532. Sinuff, T., Dodek, P., You, J.J., Barwich, D., Tayler, C., Downar, J., Hartwick, M., Frank, C., Stelfox, H.T. and Heyland, D.K., 2015. Improving end-of-life communication and decision making: the development of a conceptual framework and quality indicators. Journal of pain and symptom management, 49(6), pp.1070-1080.

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